Let's Whisper - The Thing That Defines You [Digital]

Artist: Let’s Whisper
Title: The Thing That Defines You
Format: Digital single
Cat#: Fika092SG1
Release date: 14th June 2022
Bandcamp | Spotify

The name “Let’s Whisper” implies secrets—the sorts of things you’d tell friends in a night’s waning hours, as the sun is about to peek over the horizon. Colin Clary and Dana Kaplan have been friends and musical collaborators for years, and the openhearted, detail-rich indiepop they craft together reflects their rich creative relationship and trust in each other. On The In-Between Times, the second Let’s Whisper full-length—the band’s first release in eight years, and first as a five-piece—the Burlington-based band digs deeper into their day-to-day worlds while confronting their individual and collective futures.  

On the first single, The Thing That Defines You, Let’s Whisper say: “We were thinking about the ways in which people get defined, and we were curious about the ways we don’t always get to control our own narrative. Someone can become defined by one thing they did—positive or negative—but how does that get set? How do you imagine you are seen by others? How do you see yourself? What will your obituary say?

Let’s Whisper are:
Colin Clary - guitar, vocals
Dana Kaplan - guitar, vocals
Brad Searles - drums
Emma Kupa - bass, vocals
Jeff Baron - guitar, keys

LET’S WHISPER started as a home-recording project between the Burlington, Vermont-based duo of Colin Clary and Dana Kaplan (The Smittens) in the mid-2000s. Their home-recording process, which they refer to as “Whispering,” conjures up intimate, heartfelt songs that build off the framework of tweepop and incorporate bits of psychedelia and Americana while staying openhearted and questioning. On their first release in eight years, The In-Between Times, Let’s Whisper—now a five-piece rounded out by drummer Brad Searles, bassist-vocalist Emma Kupa, and guitarist-keyboardist Jeff Baron—expand their sound while detailing the realities of their world in pointillistic lyrics. 

“Let's Whisper make sweet, twee indiepop of the jangliest variety. Check out winsome earworm "The Thing That Defines You.” Brooklyn Vegan

“The group’s first single from The In-Between Times churns and jangles, like a song that dips its toes in the pools of paisley vibes while pressing play on the warmth of classic pop records from Athens. It’s a short gallop with huge backing harmonies that are the best things you can offer your ears this week.” Austin Town Hall

“With the precious, Scottish indie-pop laconic of the U.S. Highball sound, juxtaposed against the sort of chiming, folk-laden jangle that is currently embraced by the likes of The Telephone Numbers and The Umbrellas, this single is one of the best of the year so far.” Janglepop